Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog set 9 Edgar Allan Poe

     In the Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a man who is up late at night, depressed, mourning over his lost love “Lenore” and then he gets a visit from a raven, and that is when things start to become dark. This poem is one of Edgar’s famous poem, it is known by many when you mention his name. One of my favorite lines in this poem is, “dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before.” That line is used by many in songs or on shows, but what fascinates me about it is how bad of a dream is it? There are so many different symbols in this poem from the raven, which usually means death or a bad omen and he also uses roman mythology such as with the god of the underworld, “Plutonian” also known as, Pluto. The line that speaks of Plutonian is “tell me what thy lordly name is on the Nights Plutonian shore!” what do you all think of this poem? Did anyone else notice the symbols I referred to? On the other hand, did you find symbols of your own within this poem?

        In Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe, is another great but very sad and maybe somewhat crazy poem, let us just say that is the theme here. I feel like in the beginning I was about to read a fairy tale because of how he starts it off, “it was many and many a tear ago,” it sounds to be as if it could have been as they all, “start once upon a time in a far, far away land...”. Throughout the story he is professing his love for Annabel Lee, even though he mentions they are both children, is it puppy love or a crush? In both stories, the other theme I see is he speaks of heaven and hell for it is to describe his pain but also maybe is blaming the angels, which he refers to in both stories. This poem was more simpler to decipher than “The Raven” was but overall they are two poems that if you are interested in poetry as I am especially dark ones as these two are I suggest you look more into them.


  1. in the poem Annabelle lee I was also wondering if it was a puppy love or a crush. because while I was reading it how could 2 little kids fall in love with each other. like 9 times out of 10 they don't even know what love is never the less fall in love.

  2. I did see the symbols you reffered too as well. I found another one where he said the bird landed on the bust of Pallas. Pallas is actually another name for the greek god Athena which is the goddess of wisdom. Now I dont know why he did that. Is he trying to tell us that the bird is wise? Or is he trying to tell us that the bird isn't? I understood why he put Pluto because it shows darkness and he is the ruler of the underworld so I could see where he comes in. But why do you think Athena is in it?

  3. Okay I totally got the death/devil symbol of the raven. Was I the only one that thought he may have died at the end? Or that he was tettering on the edge of death? Maybe it was just the whole advanced madness. This is why I love Poe!

  4. As I reread the story I was leaning more towards puppy love because the narrator spoke about how Annabel loved, which I imagine he meant how she loved him. He described it as if he, himself experience it and it was so special because it was in the purest, most innocent form.

  5. I noticed the symbolism in this story. When I first started reading, the first thing I thought was; "This is a poem. So that means that there is going to be symbolism and meaning between every other word/line." For "Annabel Lee" was I the only person so realize that "Lenore" was another work he did?
