Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Viewing Blog set 2

As I watched Lord of the Rings the fellowship of the ring, it was fascinating and a captivating film. To think that this was a book one of many, the director made this film come to life. I did not read the books but heard very good things from it, however, I cannot compare if the adaption to this book was a very good one from a readers point of view. Which comes to one of my questions to you my fellow classmates, have anyone of you read the books and seen the movies? Was it a good adaptation? In the film what captivating me the most was the scenes and the elves, they were beautiful creatures. The places they journeyed to were eye openers, the places were amazing, I would want to visit them especially Lothlorien which reminded me of Avatar how the people lived in the big tree. In the beginning, we learn about the 19 rings plus one of the most powerful rings of them all. The rings were split up as this, three rings to the elves, seven rings to the dark lords, and nine rings to man. The last ring was fought over because everyone wanted the power to all the domains and they could not resist the temptation of having the ring. There were many beings in the movie such as the hobbits, wizards, elves, dwarves, and man. There were also crossbreeds of these beings such as Orcs, which were a mix between dwarves and elves with the powers of each of the two. This movie can be seen to have many fantasy elements. Between magic and beings you would only hear about in folklores and the scenes in which your imagination can unfold into anything you can imagine. I will continue to watch the rest of the movies and see how this whole series truly unfolds. Below I added pictures from the film I liked the most.

1 comment:

  1. Priscilla, The Lord of the Rings is by far one of my most favorite series of high-fantasy. Why the high you ask? Well, because it's just so detached from our world realities. The emotional content and struggle is relatable. But the environment, characters and plot are just so out there, that is brings another world to life, hence, high-fantasy. It's not like Star Wars, where the scope of possibilities is somewhat plausible or even the T.V. series The X-Files. I really do believe the existence of alien life forms can be a reality and that our own government is probably covering it up.
    The overall concept of Middle Earth is just so neat and interesting; I’m amazing by Tolkien and how he just imagined up this entirely different world. Regarding your question, book v.s. film: I'm so for the book. When I first read the entire trilogy, I found it interesting how my mind constructed Middle Earth and the Elven Lothlorien, the Shire and all of the Characters with their unique qualities that not only my mind understood but thousands of other readers too. When I saw the movies, I found myself pointing out holes and missing elements from the original story. I desired more. Reading the book was taking the journey with The Fellowship and watching the movies was watching someone else's interpretation. When I was done watching all of the films, I was not left with a sense of fulfillment, but rather a puzzled feeling of why so much was left out of the films. I can only assume that during their audience testing, they struck down the impulse to create a 5-hour-long film. What’s with the ten different endings of Return of the King? I mean I was so angry when the screen went black the first time with Frodo and Sam on the side of the Mount Doom. By the third time the screen went black, I thought, “Come on? Really?”
