Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blog set 10 Hauntings

As I read “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe, I saw characteristics that make this literature a horror story. The eerie beginning and the narrator sounding very frightful is to show that there is something going on in “the house of Usher”. The house being a manifest of a supernatural place in which this family is bound to it with fear is one of the main parts in the story that gives it that paranoid, terrifying element to it. The narrator sees how his childhood friend has changed drastically from a face you could not ever forget to someone who looks dead yet still alive is a part in which shows that his friend is dying and the cause is fear. Now on to other things that happened in the story such as the sister being buried alive in a sense and comes back to life, who is to say she was never dead, it probably was her illness that they had mistaking her death for. Overall this story reminded me a little of the film “Rose Red” by Stephen King and maybe it is because of the feel of the house and what happens to the house in the end. As always Edgar never misses the beat to anything he writes, it shows is perfection in what he truly loved to do and that shows in all his work no matter how dark or gloomy they are.

As I read “Afterwards” by Edith Wharton, the similarities in which both these stories have is uncanny. The house is one of the biggest parts we see in both these stories exceptions are that in the first story, the family are bound by the house and the second one , a couple who want a ghost in their home. I am intrigued by this story and how surreal it is  about a couple who find a whom in which they think is what they have wanted and so far until the saying goes be careful for what you wish for or more or less want is exactly what you shall receive regardless in the way it comes. Which is the ghost they wanted in their home has actually been with them the whole time but sadly they did not find this out until it was too late. The mystery of her husband death was not figured out until long afterwards as everyone kept saying about the ghost and that was a terrifying yet intriguing way of ending the story.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you on Poe's story, I love how eerie it is and how it keeps you on edge throughout the entire thing. I am a fanatic of haunted houses, and to hear this one described it took the cake. All the way down to the webs!
