Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blog set 8 Gender and Sexuality

This short story "Day Million," by Frederik Pohl is a straight to the point kind of story. It seems that we have some kind of strange cyborgs or robots in the story playing Don and Dora is not a girl genetically speaking. I find that the author played with many different things in this story such as not keeping to the normal love stories as we all would read about. Taking this so called love story into a whole other dimension, the future. In this future sexuality and gender does not mean anything because it can be modified anyway that they want it to be. The way that these characters lives are it seems that sex is a big factor in this story but not in the way we think. Their jobs as I might assume is that Dora is an exotic dancer, maybe at a futuristic strip club and Don job seems as if he is either a prostitute or a sex slave or some sort. These are things that would horrify some people in our world but this is something that is normal in this future. What do you guys think about this future they live in? Are there any humans left? Is there more to the story than what I found?
“When it Changed” by Joanna Russ just blew my mind when I figured out that the earth men that came to Whileaway were the only men there in “thirty generations.” This story was very interesting to find that genetics could be used to achieve a new colony of just women to keep on surviving. The way that they act some of the women is what you would see in a man. They our married the main characters, wives, and these earth men want to give them something they think is missing in their world but they are happily content. There is a big component in the story about sexual equality, so I to assume that this world they lived in was for only woman to finally live and love who they wanted to and not be judged for it. I enjoyed this story. What was a part in this story that interested you?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like if something isn't broken then why fix it ? The women found an actual way to not only survive but to reproduce also. Which is really insane to think about. These earth men come & just want to take over their society since they are the only "men" on this planet. Honestly they don't even need them, they are doing just fine from what I can see. The woman in the beginning sounded like she really loved her wife on how she spoke about how well she knows her. If they could love each other then honestly that's all that matters. They still get to have a family of their own & survive, so to me that's enough for them. I don't think they need to see these men as some type of miracles & gods.
