Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blog set 5 Artificial/Posthuman life- forms

   Part I of The Culling shows, desperation, admiration, betrayal, and hate. All these combined is crucial pieces to the story and why things are happening how they did. I see how many others look at it that a higher position in society can really change a person especially someone you once knew and not always for the better. It is very inhumane having to put five 16 year olds together to fight to defend their loved ones and if they lose their loved ones die now that is harsh. This story so far reminds me of Hunger games somewhat, such as the hierarchy of the people and the way they live and what they have to do to survive. Overall the story got intense towards the ending of part I and I’m waiting to see what is next for Lucky and Digory.

To think that a Robot you build yourself could take over your ship and treat you as if you were nothing is insane but interesting as well. The technology and scientific happenings in  Reason,  went well with each other. It was interesting at one point when the earthmen were about to give up, they seemed to start to kind of to believe what Cutie was saying that earth was not real. I for one would not have wanted to be in their shoes at that time but when it was time to go I was anticipating their relief to have never come but it did. I feel bad for the Prussian guy that they left with Cutie since he would be there for a couple of weeks they did not tell him how Cutie really was and he was in for a rude awakening. What would you have done if robots took over your command center and did not believe you for anything you say?

Intriguing story this was and reminded me of the movie that was made an adaptation of this story, A.I. It is fascinating and scary as well to know that this advanced technology can one day maybe be possible. Synthank has come up with many different “synthetic life-forms,” (pg.445). Always finding ways to advance humanity by helping them with these A.I. that they built from overcoming obesity to figuring out a way to take away loneliness. It seems that this is only for the privileged, people with money, because at one point in the story Henry says during his speech, “though three-quarters of the overcrowded world are starving, we are lucky here to have more than enough, thanks to population control.” Now we see that David does not know if he is real or not and that means he is truly indeed an A.I. I’m wondering if the story continues on and if the movie takes on from there or the movie does not go along with the story itself, besides those questions I enjoyed the story even though I was expecting a longer story.


  1. I also didn't expect their relief to come, I thought they were going to end up stuck there haha.

  2. I was expecting more too, Priscilla. Super-Toys Last All Summer along was totally not satisfying at the end, it left me wanting more. I hypothesize that there might be a correlation between the title and a plausible outcome for David. Summer is a definition of a season. It has a start and an ending. Summer to me is a free spirited time of joy and forgetfulness. Letting the minutes pass by and just soaking up the warmth of the sun. Forgetting my troubles and replacing them with memories of delight and wonderment. But all good things must come to an end. When I use to live in Tampa, we would get a mild season change as fall fast approached. The leaves would turn brown and the grass was no longer vibrant green and soft. The cold would then start to set in and the days warmth and length was replaced. David was that warmth. David was that enjoyment. David represented love to Mummy and Dad that at the time, could not be replaced. But like all good things, everything in this world at least, has a philosophical end. When they received the message notifying them that they had won permission from the Ministry of Population to conceive a child, well, winter set in. The summer was over for David. The cold harsh reality was that David would now be set aside and forgotten. They might have played with him, similar to us looking at a summer time picture during January to remind us of the warmth and good times we once had. But inevitably, it's just a memory. To be cast aside and forgotten. Could you only imagine what type of heart wrenching story we would have had to endure if the story went on after David and Teddy returned to the house from the garden? Thinking about it more, I'm kinda glad we didn't go there. Peace!
