Friday, January 9, 2015


    Hey Everyone!!! My name is Priscilla and I am glad to have met you all on our first day of class. I picked this class because the theme of it intrigues me and I wanted to know more about it. I am an open-minded person, I love to read books and sometimes I read comics, as well as manga. The genres that I am mostly interested in are supernatural, fantasy,and some Sci-Fi. If it sounds interesting or peaks my interest I will read it no matter the genre, so you can say I enjoy a little bit of everything when it comes to books. I am also a cosplayer, if some of you are wondering what is cosplaying? well in brief detail it is when you dress-up as a character from an anime,comic book, movie, or TV show and you go to conventions and can act out the part of your character or just have fun being someone else for a day or two. It is fun for those who are open-minded about things like that. As for favorite TV shows or anime, my latest top list are Orphan Black, American Horror Story, and I just finished sadly Sons of Anarchy which I will miss. As you can see my liking of TV shows ranges from different genres. I can't wait to read everyone's blogs, and see what you guys are interested in as well, hey who knows we all might have something in common, probably not but that's what makes us all unique. So this is a little piece of who I am, I hope it gave you some insight into what I like and also what I wish to receive from this class will be to find more authors to read more of and to see all the interesting things we will get into during discussions or activities in class.


  1. Hi Priscilla,
    Your intro has a lot of energy! I'm looking forward to reading your posts this semester.

  2. Hey Priscilla I'm really glad to be in another writing class with you! I love American Horror Story, too. I haven't seen the last season of Sons of Anarchy yet so no spoilers please!

    1. Hey Niki, no I hate spoilers!!! so you will not get them from me and yes I'm glad we have another writing class together as well, so we will see what we come up with this semester.

  3. Hey Priscilla,
    I have never watched american horror but I have been hearing from everyone it is great, I did not know they made conventions and you can dress up , sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Hey Melanie, yes it is a very great show you should look into it if you're interested and yes conventions are fun especially the dress up part!

  4. Hey Priscilla, I saw you beginning to write this in class and was wondering what you were going to put in your intro! This is all the stuff you already told me but I still think it's cool. I didn't know you watched sons of anarchy though, my family is obsessed with that show. I've seen a few episodes and think its really cool. Hope we can talk more throughout this semester.

    1. Hey Karina, yes sons of anarchy was the best must finish the show!!! yes i hope we can talk more too.
